There are no pictures of the trip (probably a good thing) because I had the battery backwards in the camera. That's my college degree hard at work...
Cat's Meow (It never disappoints)
Another bar that played great soul music (the white boy sax player was awesome)
The fact you could walk down Bourbon and listen to 8-10 live bands playing within a 5 block area.
Walking to Cafe Du Monde to get Tami beignets
The incredible food down there. I could live on red beans and rice, gumbo and shrimp
For some reason, every time I go to a casino, I am convinced that this is the time I make a killing. I'm sure everybody feels that way, but I really thought this was the time. 20 minutes later I'm down $60 and I want to cry.
Tami feeling sick that we thought a hospital visit was in order, than five minutes later she was fine and back on track.
The relatively easy flight (except I didn't know you had to take out your toiletries in your carry-on). Props to Tami for convincing me not to check baggage and carry everything on.
Overall, a great trip and I can't wait to get back!
1 comment:
Lemme get this straight...you've been in the RATV business for how many years now after that degree? And you weren't able to figure out your camera wasn't taking pictures for the whole trip? Dude!!!!
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